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The RŪT Education Committee supports the mission of the Racial Unity Team by advocating for diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and belonging (DEIJB) in public schools.
The committee is made up of community members, educators, and students.
The committee meets once a month to discuss important issues pertaining to education across the state. Some of the work we do includes:
● Monitoring the NH Legislature, State Board of Education, and NH Department of Education with a focus on important bills and policies related to DEIJB issues;
● Planning events and discussions to educate NH communities about the goals of DEIJB;
● Engaging NH residents in DEIJB advocacy;
● Supporting educators, particularly those who are committed to antiracism and social justice in teaching and learning;
● Preserving public education in New Hampshire;
● Proactively dealing with issues relating to intellectual freedom and banned or challenged books;
● Developing and maintaining an online resource list that includes books, articles, videos, organizations, and institutions for parents, teachers and the general public that highlight the importance of support for DEIJB education at all levels of schooling.
" As a former teacher and founding member of the Racial Unity Team, as well as a former member of a DEI committee for an SAU 16 elementary school, I have become extremely aware of the need for DEI programs, and the success of DEI work so far. Addressing bias and discriminatory behaviors has raised awareness of the harm of these behaviors and reduced the prevalence of discrimination in many situations. Curriculum changes and special projects have awakened faculty and students to the history of discriminatory laws and practices in our country, as well as heightened understanding of world cultures." Pat Yosha
Public school classrooms and public libraries, in New Hampshire and around the nation, are receiving censorship threats as the result of laws like HB2, signed into law last year by Governor Sununu. The public is invited to hear about challenges to the movement to ban books in a public presentation at the Exeter Public Library on September 20.
Co-sponsored by the Racial Unity Team, Oyster River Equity and Justice, and Exeter Public Library, the program will feature a brief history of book burning and book banning by Shawna Coppola of ORSD. Experiences and responses to calls for censorship will be presented by speakers, including Hope Godino, Director of Exeter Public Library; SAU 16 Librarian Mark Giuliucci, and SAU 16 English teacher
Joel Waskiewicz. Legal responses to HB2 will be summarized by Devon Chaffee, Executive Director of ACLU-NH. Demonstration of ways to challenge book banning demands will be given by Lori Fisher, State Library, and Julia Lanter, Assistant Director of Exeter Public Library. Emcee for this event will be Julia Lavine of the Racial Unity Team.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes 4-10-2024 Draft-Education Committee (pdf)
DownloadMinutes 3.13.2024 Education Committee (pdf)
DownloadMinutes of 2-6-24 Education Committee Meeting (pdf)
DownloadMinutes of 11-8-23 Education Committee Meeting (pdf)
DownloadMinutes of 9-26-23 Education Committee Meeting (pdf)
DownloadMInutes of 5-10-2023 Education Committee Meeting (pdf)
Download2023 Reports
2023 Education Committee Annual Report (pdf)
Amid an unparalleled censorship bid in the U.S. that has seen more than 1,000 book titles pulled from schools within the past year, according to PEN America, the librarians at the Brooklyn Public Library are fighting localized suppression with 'Books Unbanned.'
Librarians focused on making their collections more reflective of the increasingly diverse community in their schools are now under threat by parents who deem their book selections offensive.
Exeter community reading: "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?"
This event features the perspectives of local teachers, administrators, parents and that of Devon Chaffee, Executive Director of ACLU-NH.
Exeter community reading: "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?"
Racial Unity Team
P. O. Box 101 Stratham, NH 03885
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